The wine list and the role of the Sommelier.








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Wine list


A task that keeps occupied the experts in the wine is try to identify those aspects which allow elaborate an ideal wine list.


Undoubtedly, adequate preparation of the wine list is a useful tool to provide to the guests, a self-respecting restaurant must submit a carefully prepared wine list which complement the style of cuisine offered.




The Sommelier


In this new context of the increasing role of wine in general and of quantitative and qualitative increase in supply, it is necessary to have professionals who have extensive preparation not only in growing grapes and making wine, but also in its marketing, maintenance and service. The canons of traditional services have changed in line with new designs of wine glasses, new matching patterns and the better adequacy of the temperature.


In this new context of the increasing role of wine in general and of quantitative and qualitative increase in supply, it is necessary to have professionals who have extensive preparation not only in growing grapes and making wine, but also in its marketing, maintenance and service. The canons of traditional services have changed in line with new designs of wine glasses, new matching patterns and the better adequacy of the temperature.

wine list and the sommelier



A SOMMELIER ISN'T ONLY A SPECIALIST IN WINES also is an expert in service, that is to say, have to know how the different wines are served, how the bottles are opened, what is the correct order of drinks, and the combination of all beverages with food and specialty products.



We may conclude that the Sommelier is not only an expert on wines but also their mission is to educate and guide consumers in the best choice, in addition to spreading the culture and responsible consumption of wine and other drinks.


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